Part 1 of this article series is available here
As we have outlined, volume and intensity are un-splittable and principal parts of the load. There is one myth that exists and its called volume-intensity trade off. Yes, there is a trade-off, but it depends on time-frame under which you analyze the load. Under most shortest time-frame, there is trade-off between volume and intensity: the more weight on the bar, the less reps you could do with it. Yet again, you can do 8 reps with 10RM and you can do 9 reps with the same load, so this volume-intensity trade off exists only on weight-repetition maximum (RM) relation, and there is no reason to use it on larger time-frame scales of loading (exercise load, workout load, microcycle load, etc). You could also do 3 sets of 3 reps with 3RM, or you could do 1 or 5 sets (depending on the work capacity, level and the purpose of workout) either. Managing volume and intensity is very important aspect of training and loading, especially with intermediate and advanced athletes and falling under to volume-intensity trade-off dogma limits you for numerous solutions.
Intensity and volume are NOT reversely related. All volume/intensity combos serve their purpose in training and here are couple of examples.
Volume | Intensity | Purpose |
Medium | Medium | Bread and butter of training |
High | High | Push one into mild overtraining (overreaching) and lead to greater gains once followed by a taper |
Low | Low | Active recovery / deload |
Low | High | Sets PRs |
High | Low | Build foundation for stable gains |
Modified from Tsatsouline, Pavel (2005). Beyond Bodybuilding. Dragon Door Publications.
It is true that one of the characteristic of advanced lifters is that their training must be organized into longer periods of time, and those periods progress from higher volume and lower intensity toward lower volume and higher intensity. That is basically a trade-off if you look at it that way, but there are also other solutions to train advanced athletes. It is important to unlock volume and intensity.
It is interesting to note that linear periodization or Western periodization is actually a misunderstand Third Zoom Level (load progression) of advanced Olympic lifters. Those guys spend some time at emphasizing volume of training and technique at doing great number of sets at lower-medium percentage of their PBs in clean/jerk and snatch (i.e. 8-10 sets of 2-3 reps at 70-80% or something like that) and then transitioning to intensity phase utilizing smaller number of sets with greater intensity (i.e. 4-6sets of 1-2 reps with 80-90%). This way they approach planning the load for development of strength-speed necessary of Olympic lifts (linear periodization). How do they integrated development of strength-speed with other components like relative strength, muscle mass and reactive strength is a matter of Second Zoom Level.
But some wise guy(s) from Western hemisphere used this linear progression of the load (where lifters utilized great number of sets with 1-3 reps at lower intensity) that was used to develop strength-speed for Olympic lifts and applied it to Second Zoom Level by utilizing 10-15 reps per set in volume phases and 1-3 reps per set in intensity phases and named it Western periodization (or others did this for them). This way they passed through whole repetition continuum and stressed most of strength qualities in serial manner. And then confusion started with the idea that you must spend some time with 10-12 reps to improve your 1RM. That’s OK with the novices, kids etc, but this was actually suggested to advanced lifters. Yes, there is time and place for this too, but the issue I am trying to emphasize here is that you cannot analyze one system using only one Zoom Level, you must understand all three of them.
And after those wise Western guy(s) defined western periodization (which was actually misunderstood load progression of Olympic lifters – linear periodization), Westside guys (WSBB) critiqued its serial development of abilities and devised conjugate training (actually complex-parallel approach), as something new (which is certainly not, since complex-parallel approach is the traditional/first one). Lately, Westside guys also utilized Accumulation/Intensification phases (or Volume-Intensity phases) in their load progressions for a given strength ability (usually maximum strength and ME method) and also started to emphasize given quality over a certain period of time and then the things started to go in circle again.
People were/are confused. They don’t know what linear periodization means, what is traditional, what is concurrent, what is western, what is block, what is conjugated. I am not saying I know, but things start to finally open. This is because they don’t see the big picture and don’t have Three Zoom Levels. It all started with the fact that advanced athletes need more volume-intensity alternations (volume phase, intensity phase) as a method of load progression (Third Zoom Level) to further develop certain motor ability. Then some wise guy(s) applied this principle to whole repetition continuum which affected Second Zoom Level and appeared that all motor abilities are developed sequentially/serially. And this is the root of this problem.
So, the solution is to look at the problem from Three Zoom Levels. There is (1) planning of the season, there is the (2) approach to develop multiple motor abilities (complex-parallel, block, emphasis) depending on the level of the athletes and there is (3) planning of the loading for a given abilities again depending on the development, organization and level of the athlete. Do not mix those three levels of planning and there will be no confusion.
Managing training intensity, volume and frequency are key for optimal loading and training adaptation, avoidance of setback and overtraining. Training frequency is a term that is also hard to define like intensity and volume. Some authors consider training frequency as number of training session in a microcycle, some of them define it as number of training sessions per muscle group per microcycle, or as number of training sessions per training goal.
Basically, you need to take into consideration both definitions, since you need to take into account muscle loading, central nervous system loading, endocrine system loading and the joints loading (maybe some more, but can’t remember now)
Training frequency depends on a lot of factors, like training goal, training phase, level of the athlete and work capacity. Numerous training systems are different variations of intensity, volume and frequency combos.
Work capacity is also hard to define and usually it is context-dependent and has also a huge number of subtypes. Basically, work capacity is the ability to sustain training load and recover from it efficiently. You cannot develop work capacity by doing bunch of sled work and intervals. This will develop a form of aerobic power that could be used to speed up recovery between sets, but this also depends on sets type (what repetition continuum zone). Work capacity is usually something that must be looked at larger time-frame (like microcycle), and it is something that develops over the years. Basically, you can manage to survive a given training session, but you may not actually recover from it in matter of days even weeks due poor work capacity. Factors that affect training frequency also affect work capacity, like muscle loading and ability to recover from it, central nervous system loading and toleration for such a work, endocrine system loading and ability to recover from it and joint loading and ability to sustain it.
Thus, the optimal training frequency depends on the goals of training, intensity and volume of training and fatigue type they develop (muscular, CNS, endocrine, joint...), level of the athlete and work capacity.
Type of loading/fatigue | Description |
Muscle loading/fatigue Local effect | Volume of eccentric loading and work done. Proximity of failure (greater eccentric stress). Note that micro-trauma and total protein break-down in a workout can affect CNS via inflammatory cytokines. |
CNS loading/fatigue Central effect | Volume of compound movements (great muscle mass and total MU recruitment), volume of work in >90% 1RM, proximity of failure (intensiveness, RPE of sets, psychological effort), speed of contraction, amount of micro-trauma and total protein break-down (volume of eccentric contractions) via inflammatory cytokines |
Endocrine loading/fatigue Central effect | Total volume of training |
Joints loading/fatigue Local effect | Total volume of training above certain threshold. Note that micro-trauma in a workout can affect CNS via inflammatory cytokines |
One thing that I realized when working with soccer players (not directly related to strength training, but it is highly related to this work capacity issue), is that it is very easy to prepare them for one match. Most of them can play on ’freshness’ as they use to call it. But, after that match, they will need more recovery days, and this will limit them in the long run due lowered technical and tactical skill work. Having poor work capacity will cause training and competition inconsistency, or performance swings, usually with periods of setback and injuries in between. Thus, one of the goals is to prepare them not just for one match, but for the whole week loading and number of serial matches. Improved work capacity will improve training and performance consistency and allow them to have longer peak or play whole very long season with great performance and not swinging from match to match. Athletes with great work capacity (again, not just aerobic power but ability to sustain long term loading and recover from it) are always on the scene, and guys will lower work capacity will be at peak every now and then, and most of the time injured. So, I guess the key to performance consistency and sport success is high work capacity.
There is also an upper-end of work capacity which is actually a whole point behind block and emphasis approach of training. As you become advanced, you just simply cannot pound on everything at once and manage to recover from it, without setbacks, limited progress and overtraining. You focus your efforts on couple of things, make them move again and then switch. Rinse and repeat. That is the whole point behind block and emphasis approach and main limitation of traditional complex-parallel approach.
But don’t think that improving work capacity is not possible. Let me cite Mike Tuchscherer from his The Reactive Training Manual, page 47:
It is important to note that if you don’t elevate your work capacity, then you are setting up for early stagnation due to an inability to accomplish and recover from work. Basically, as you become more advanced and it takes more work to make gains, you won’t be able to do more work because if you do, you will overtrain. This isn’t something few weeks of sled dragging is going to fix. Work capacity is developed over the years of training, which is why it is vitally important not to forget about it in your current stage of training.
This brings me to the fact that some athletes are not that advanced that they need more advanced planning, they just suck at their work capacity, and maybe one solution to the problem is to develop their work capacity before going to more advanced stages, where the lack of it may limit their real potential.
One approach to this problem is to play with intensity, volume and frequency combos. Mike Tuchscherer suggests using two different combos from time to time in every training phase
Combo Name | Purpose | Organization |
Fatigue-Based | To teach your body how to recover from large amount of fatigue | The frequency is lower, but the fatigue induced by each session is high. |
Frequency-Based | To teach your body to recovery from smaller bouts of fatigue more quickly | The frequency is higher, but the fatigue induced by each session is lower |
Modified from Tuchscherer, Michael (2008). The Reactive training manual.
Please note that the term fatigue refers to total stress (load) induced by a workout. It is not simply volume and not simply intensity, its their interaction.
By rotating both into your training, your work capacity goes up, therefore your ability to accomplish and recover from training goes up too. Emphasizing one combo and then rotating may be done on every level of training and with any goal too.
To conclude: to improve training adaptation, avoid setback and overtraining via improvements in work capacity, it is necessary to manage intensity, volume and frequency combos of the training load. Case closed!
Microcycle is the shortest training cycle. It encompasses a number of workouts and lasts a number of days, most often one week. There are six types of training microcycles, characterized by specific purpose, load levels, particulars of workload design and duration. There is a differentiation between microcycles in three principle ways: loading, competing and recovery.
Microcyle type | Type | Purpose | Load level | Particulars |
LOADING | Adjustment | Initial adaptation to workloads | Medium | Gradual increase in workload |
Loading | Fitness development | Substantial – high | The use of big and substantial workloads | |
Impact | Fitness development by extreme training stimuli | Very high - extreme | Use and summation of extreme workloads | |
COMPETING | Pre-competitive | Immediate preparation for competition | Medium | Tuning for forthcoming competition, using event-specific means |
Competitive | Participation in competition | High – very high | Sport and event-specific performance | |
RECOVERY | Restoration | Active recovery | Low | Use of wide spectrum of restorative means |
Modified from Issurin, Vladimir (2008). Block Periodization
. Ultimate Athlete Concepts
Load level within each microcycle depends on the frequency, volume and intensity of individual training sessions. Different combos of mentioned variables can be utilized to create different load level. This is very important in planning the training.
The design and structure of the mesocycle, medium size training cycle that contains number of microcycle, depends on the Second Zoom Level (complex-parallel, block, emphasis) approach chosen, training goals and type of mesocycle, optimal loading and athletes work capacity (Third Zoom Level) and First Zoom Level (competition calendar) or time of competition and mesocycle position in larger training cycles (preparatory, competition, transition). A lot of factors to consider. Here are couple of generic examples:
Adjustment | Adjustment | Adjustment | Adjustment | Adjustment | Adjustment |
Loading | Adjustment | Loading | Loading | Loading | Loading |
Loading | Loading | Impact | Impact | Impact | Loading |
Restoration | Loading | Impact | Restoration | Restoration | Loading |
Loading | Restoration | Impact | Pre-comp | Pre-comp | |
Restoration | Restoration | Restoration | Competitive | Competitive |
More about possible mesocycle design and types will be said later in this article, when we are going to talk about different levels of the lifter
Auto-regulatory training is about finding optimal amount of loading to achieve desired training effects using your own perception or feel, along with some measurable and visible signs. The whole point is to make training individual, based on current state of the athlete and his work capacity.
There can be numerous application of auto-regulatory training in practice. Some may add that auto-regulatory training also includes measurement equipment, like force-plates, tendo units along with coaches qualitative evaluation, but IMO this is regulated training, not auto-regulated, where athlete himself have to regulate the training load based on his feel or perception.
Usually the training volume is the variable that is regulated with auto-regulatory training, since the training intensity is a measure of training quality and training effect seen. Thus, managing training volume you manage training stress or loading. The whole principle behind auto-regulatory training is a critical drop-off concept. A critical drop-off concept states that when intensity (in regulate training with measuring equipment and coach) or effort (an athletes sense or perception of work hardness) exits from pre-defined boundaries, the training (set, exercise, workout) should be stopped. Or in other words, when the quality (intensity) of work falls down below certain threshold, the training is stopped.
Mike Tuchscherer implemented this auto-regulatory principle (critical drop-off) in his Reactive Traning using RPE values and Fatigue Stops. Fatigue Stops is a method of controlling training volume (number of sets done) and thus controlling training load or stress. Mike goes even futher to advise not to pre-plan the number of sets. You should let your body be your guide, and if you should do more or less, your body will let you know. So, you basically do your sets, and when your strength level go down, or your RPE value goes up, you stop. This way, you hit optimal training volume/load. So, instead doing 5x5 with 80%, you can do sets of 5 @ 8-9 RPE value until you hit Fatigue Stop. Sometimes it is going to be 2 sets, sometimes it is going to be 6, depending on you level, work capacity, training day (good or bad, quality of sleep, nutrition and supplementation, spending nights drinking/partying etc).
Yet again, depending on the goal of the training, you want to over-stress yourself in order to super-compensate later (for example in impact microcycles with extreme loads). As I have stated earlier, critical-drop off point is quality-meter, when the training is stopped after the quality falls bellow certain threshold. So, if we move the threshold, we will affect ’fatigue stops’ and thus training volume.
Since the quality in strength training is weight on the bar, allowing weight to fall for a given value until some threshold, we will affect training volume with auto-regulation, because we would be able to do more work although with reduced quality. Mike uses Fatigue Percents to manage training volume with auto-regulatory training by defining quality threshold via percent drop-off. Mike also uses time limits (amount of time available for exercise) to manage training volume.
So, mentioned sets of 5 @ 8-9 RPE can be managed to induce given load/stress level by allowing weight on the bar to fall for a given percentage. Mike uses the following percentages:
Very High Stress | 10% drop-off |
High Stress | 7% drop-off |
Medium stress | 5% drop-off |
Low Stress | 3% drop-off |
Deload stress | 0% drop-off |
Modified from Tuchscherer, Michael (2008). The Reactive training manual.
For example, if we do squats for 5 reps @ 8-9 RPE with 150kg, and we want to induce medium volume-stress, we could (a) instantly reduce weight for 5% to 142.5kg and keep doing set until our RPE is no longer 8-9, or (b) progressively reduce weight from set to set to be @ 8-9 RPE value until 5% drop-off is reached. Certainly, different average intensity and total volume will result from these two approaches, so a lifter can use one or another approach in different phases (for example intensity phase or volume phase – mesocycle).
Sometimes, the number of reps will fall (for a given RPE ) before you can manage weight on the bar to reach certain drop-off. To quantify drop-off from rep decrease, Mike suggests the following values:
Initial number of reps | 1 reps less | 2 reps less | 3 reps less |
1 | 5% | ||
2 | 5% | 10% | |
3 | 4% | 8% | 12% |
4 | 4% | 8% | 12% |
5 | 3% | 6% | 9% |
6 | 3% | 6% | 9% |
7 | 3% | 6% | 9% |
8 | 2.5% | 5% | 7.5% |
9 | 2.5% | 5% | 7.5% |
10 | 2% | 4% | 6% |
11 | 2% | 4% | 6% |
12 | 2% | 4% | 6% |
Modified from Tuchscherer, Michael (2008). The Reactive training manual.
Taking our sets of 5 @ 8-9 RPE as an example again, to reach 5% drop-off and induce medium stress, we could continue doing sets until we can manage to do 3 reps with same weight @ 8-9 RPE. This will also affect total volume and average intensity compared to previous two example. Here is the hypothetical example for sets of 5 @ 8-9 RP with 150kg starting weight, using these three mentioned approaches to drop-off calculation for Medium Stress (5% drop-off)
Progressive weight decrease approach | Instant weight decrease approach | Less-reps approach |
1. set: 5 reps X 150kg @8 RPE 2. set: 5 reps X 150kg @9 RPE 3. set: 5 reps X 147.5kg @9 RPE 4. set: 5 reps X 145kg @9 RPE 5. set: 5 reps X 142.5 kg @8 RPE 6. set: 5 reps X 142.5 kg@9 RPE 7. set not done | 1. set: 5 reps X 150kg @8 RPE 2. set: 5 reps X 142.5kg @7 RPE 3. set: 5 reps X 142.5kg @7 RPE 4. set: 5 reps X 142.5kg @7 RPE 5. set: 5 reps X 142.5kg @8 RPE 6. set: 5 reps X 142.5kg @8 RPE 7. set: 5 reps X 142.5kg @8 RPE 8. set: 5 reps X 142.5kg @9 RPE 9. set not done | 1. set: 5 reps X 150kg @8 RPE 2. set: 5 reps X 150kg @9 RPE 3. set: 4 reps X 150kg @8 RPE 4. set: 4 reps X 150 kg @8 RPE 5. set: 4 reps X 150kg @9 RPE 6. set: 3 reps X 150kg @9 RPE 7. set not done |
Number of lifts: 30 (-25%) Tonnage: 4387.5kg (-23%) Average weight: 146.25kg (-2.5%) *Average RPE: 8.6 (0%) | *Number of lifts: 40 (0%) *Tonnage: 5737.5kg (0%) Average weight: 143.43kg (-4.38%) Average RPE: 7.75 (-9.8%) | Number of lifts: 25 (-37%) Tonnage: 3750 (-34%) *Average weight: 150kg (0%) Average RPE: 8.5 (-1.16%) |
Something tells me that less-reps approach is more appropriate with sets of higher reps (RE work) for example 5 and higher, and weight decrease approach is more appropriate for sets with lower reps (ME work). Also, from the table above we can see that different approaches to auto-regulatory training yield different tonnage (volume), average intensity and average effort (RPE). For example, less-reps approach can be used in phases where intensity is dominant, instant weight decrease approach can be used in phases where volume is dominant, and progressive weight decrease can be used in phases where intensiveness (effort) is dominant.
I must admit that this kind of drop-off calculation is hard even with straight sets, but extremely hard with stage and wave sets (see Concurrent strategies in strength training). To make things even complicated, your RPE can change from set to set. You could also calculate average RPE for exercise if you don’t want to stick to a given RPE bracket (to call it that way). You need to be extremely experienced with this system to use it properly, thus this kind of load auto-regulation is reserved for advanced and experienced lifters.
As we have pointed out, volume and intensity of training are two principal components of training load. They are also NOT reversely related. So, one can obtain similar levels of loading by emphasizing one over the another. I have also mentioned that training of advanced lifters must be organized into longer periods of time, and those periods progress from higher volume and lower intensity toward lower volume and higher intensity (more on this later). You can arrange this using more subtle progression (linear periodization), or switching from Volume Phase (or Accumulation) to Intensity Phase (or Intensification) more abruptly. Those phases are mesocycles or blocks.
Volume and Intensity phases are two ways to get you stronger, yet they develop strength in slightly different way at the motor-unit level. Sometimes Volume phase is used to elicit delayed training effect via acute over-reaching (but in this case the both volume and intensity must be higher), and Intensity phase is designed to utilize those delayed training effect (but in this case volume must be lower and intensity higher).
Along with defining Volume and Intensity phases, one may use Fatigue and Frequency based cycles that constitute one or more Volume/Intensity phases.
Ordinary Cycle | Fatigue Based Cycle | Frequency Based Cycle | |||
Volume | Intensity | Volume | Intensity | Volume | Intensity |
Please do NOT equate Volume phase with hypertrophy phase and Intensity phase with maximal strength phase! Volume and Intensity phases are a way of load progression/planning (Third Zoom Level) and Hypertrophy and Maximal Strength phases are a way of organizing training goals (Second Zoom Level) and in this case serial manner. Volume and intensity phases can be utilized for the development of all motor abilities (see the following table for hypothetical examples)
Volume phase | Intensity phase | |
Maximal strength (ME) | Pre-set 6 sets X 2 reps @ 8-9 RPE Auto-regulatory Sets of 2 reps @ 8-9 RPE w/ Fatigue percents (Instant weight decrease approach) | Pre-set 3 sets X 2 reps @ 9-10 RPE Auto-regulatory Sets of 2 reps @ 9-10 RPE w/ Fatigue percents (progressive weight decrease approach) |
Strength-Speed (Olys) | Pre-set 8-10 sets X 2-3 reps @ 6-7 RPE Auto-regulatory Sets of 2-3 reps @ 6-7 RPE w/ Fatigue percents (progressive weight decrease approach) or use tendo unit | Pre-set 3-6 sets X 1-2 reps @ 8-10 RPE Auto-regulatory Sets of 1-2 reps @ 8-10 RPE w/ Fatigue percents (progressive weight decrease approach) or use tendo unit |
Hypetrophy | Pre-set 4-6 sets X 10-12 reps @ 8-9 RPE Auto-regulatory Sets of 10-12 reps @ 8-9 RPE w/ Fatigue percents (instant weight decrease approach) | Pre-set 2-4 sets X 8-10 reps @ 9-10 RPE Auto-regulatory Sets of 8-10 reps @ 9-10 RPE w/ Fatigue percents (less-reps approach) |
Muscular endurance | Pre-set 4-6 sets X 20-25 reps @ 8-9 RPE Auto-regulatory Sets of 20-25 reps @ 8-9 RPE w/ Fatigue percents (progressive weight decrease approach) | Pre-set 2-4 sets X 15-20 reps @ 9-10 RPE Auto-regulatory Sets of 15-20 reps @ 9-10 RPE w/ Fatigue percents (less-reps approach) |
We have covered a lot of ground here, so we should do a quick summary before we go into the application of it.
Most of the information that was covered is general in its nature. That means it can be used in training for sports not just strength-sports.
I have explained three levels of planning or Three Zoom Levels when analyzing training systems. First level deals with training periods, competition calendar, long term athlete development and such. Second Level deals with definition of key motor abilities needed to succeed in a sport and it deals with three approaches used to organize their development. Here we talked about parallel development used in complex-parallel or traditional approach, serial development used in sequential or block approach and a blend between the two with emphasis/pendulum approach. Each of this approaches has its own pros and cons, thus they may be optimal for a given athlete, for a given goals under a given context and they may not be. It must be said that block systems can utilize delayed training effects via acute over-reaching causing training loads, or may utilize residual training effects. This depends on the design of the block system and of course load planning under the Third Zoom level. Third Zoom level deals with finding optimal ’training tools’ – methods, exercises and loads to develop/maintain motor abilities defined by the Second Zoom level. The term load was discussed, along with their principal components – intensity, volume, intensiveness/effort and training frequency. The use of RPE scale was also explained. Training frequency was covered under the idea of work capacity development. Different types of microcycle was discussed, along with different combos of intensity and volume. Volume and intensity phases (mesocycles) were discussed from the aspect of load planning for advanced athletes. Confusion created by misunderstood linear periodization into western periodization was discussed too. Concept of auto-regulatory training was explained, along with using volume (and thus loading) control with Fatigue Percents.
All of this mentioned stuff can be applied to all sports, because this is general training theory. In most of the sports strength training is only a training component within more greater system. The role of strength training in non-strength sports is a development of functional muscles mass, relative or absolute strength, explosive strength, reactive strength and injury prevention. This makes planning of strength training for non-strength sports more easier than planning of the strength training for strength sports, where the development of the strength is sole purpose of the training system. For this reason, the development of the strength for strength-sports (Olympic weightlifting, powerlifting, strongman, bodybuilding) is much more complex and targeted from different angles. Compared to non-strength athletes where they usually stops at intermediate planning, advanced strength athletes must deal with more complex structure of strength, especially the weak points and factors that limit the expression of their strength potential. So, compared to strength training of non-strength sports where most of the training is about doing cleans, squats, deadlifts, bench, press, rows, chins and lunges and dealing with loading approaches and implementing it into sound training system, advanced strength athletes deals with more complex factors like grip, lockout, bottom and upper strength, gear work, weak points, sticking point etc. This makes planning of their strength training much more complicated.
Having that said, using complex-parallel, block or emphasis method to develop strength in non-strength sports is whole different issue than using them to develop strength in strength sports.
Since the most of the information covered in this article till now can be applied to all sorts of sports (general training theory), further information will deal with its application to strength sports. I will try to show you how this info can be applied to planning the training of strength athletes of different qualification.
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