Sunday, October 30, 2011

More on time-motion analysis

I have just received more good stuff from Miša Filipović (phyical preparation coach for FC Partizan) and I wanted to give heads up for my readers as well. For anyone that found The Revolution of the Measurement of Metabolic Power in Soccer interesting, there is the blog by the same authors at Metodologia dell'allenamento. Make sure to check the latest seminar and the following slides as well: 

pdf report of Prof Peter Henry Prampero Of Prampero
pdf report of Prof. Roberto Colli Colli

As always you can use Google Translate  to translate the documents and Google Chrome to translate web pages while surfing. 

I am looking forward to the new time-motion research based on power, acceleration besides velocity only. That should give us more information on the nature of the team sports.In the mean time check this free research paper by Randers, Mujika et al.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Performance Analysis and Mark Upton

I am big fan of Mark Upton, the creator of Team Sport Coaching website and his work. Mark provides free info on performance analysis in team sports and one of the last video series is just below. Make sure to check the videos and his website, along with the free e-book Developing a Playing System.

Performance Analysis & the Coaching Process – Part II

Performance Analysis & the Coaching Process – Part III

In the videos above Mark show us how to utilize SportsCode software for video analysis. This gave me a heads up for other Sportstec products as well. Thanks Mark for providing such a good information on video analysis and team sport coaching in general. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Juggernaut Method

I forgot to mention in yesterday's Good Reads one really good read: "The Juggernaut Method" by Chad Wesley Smith. It is a strength training system aimed at (advanced) intermediate level lifters that is basically 'improved' (if I dare to say it ) Jim Wendler's 5/3/1 system, that also utilize some elements of Block Periodization (only when it comes to third level of planning - loading: accumulation, intensification, realization) and most importantly AMRAP (As Much Reps As Possible) tests (in Realization week) to gauge new working max (that all percentages are based upon) compared to Wendlers +5kg for lower body and +2,5kg for upper body lifts. Something like APRE, but way better.

The Juggernaut Method gave me couple of neat tricks regarding programming of the strength training and I suggest to check this book ASAP.  The book is also available over EliteFTS.

I have been on the simple 3x5 for beginners (and broken) for about two months with erratic training frequency (sometimes 2, sometimes 3 full body sessions  a week) and now I plan switching to Upper-Lower 3x/week since I plan doing more conditioning and maybe joining MMA classes at Kaizen MMA club. Thus, I designed the following routine utilizing ideas from The Juggernaut Method.

Bench Day
Squat Day
Military Day
Front Squat Day
Clap-Push up & Jumps
Hang Clean
MB Throws
Clean / Squat Jump
Bench Press
Back Squat
Military Press
Front Squat
Pull Ups (BW)
Pendlay Row
Dips / DB Bench
Bench Press (3x5@65%)
Hip Thrust
DB Row
Curl / YTWL
Core / Chest
Core / Shoulders

The lifts in yellow are main lifts that are programmed utilizing Juggernaut Method. The lifts in Blue are power/explosive lifts. Everything else is assistance done for 2-3 sets of 5-10 reps.

I am going to try this to see how it goes. I will probably tweak something as I go, so don't take this as written in stone. Anyway, is my bench press calculated utilizing Juggernaut Method. Please note that I choose 5s Wave for Upper Body and 3s Wave for lower body (when you get the book it is going to be clear what the hell am I talking about). Don't make fun of my lifts, even if they are in kg :)

Bench Press

Working Max

Accumulation (week 1)

Intensification (week 2)

Realization (week 3)


Unload (week 4)

Big Working Max
Projected Max


Till next time... read the The Juggernaut Method.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Good Reads

I have been absent from Complementary Training blog for some time, but I haven’t been lazy though. I am working on one simple way to individualize and organize energy system development (a.k.a. conditioning) for intermittent sports based on work by Dan Baker and Martin Buchheit (who I plan interviewing soon).   
What I manage to realize is that interviewing is very potent approach to get the right information from the right people.  We need more good interviews with good questions.

For now I just wanted to give you a head up for the following good reads I was reading recently.  

The Science of Running – This is awesome blog by Steve Magness. I was really enjoying reading some entries (see below). It is really refreshing to read about some real life training and coaching instead of listening to HIIT oriented research and coaches (yes, CrossFit-ers) about the importance VO2max and VO2max intervals all the freakin’ time. Make sure to check to following entries along with downloading his The Science of Running Literature Review.
Or just read everything from the Archive

Joel Jamieson and 8weeksOut.  There have been great articles by Joel and his crew over the 8WeekOut over the last couple of weeks. Joel is also preparing Ultimate MMA Conditioning 2.0 and  I can’t wait to get my hands on it. Make sure to check the following articles and follow the Specificity Continuum series.

Intensity of Training (goes very well with the Steve Magness articles)

Research Review: Energy Systems, Interval Training, & RSA (make sure to check my comment below)           
Very interesting review/article Eric. Couple of comments thought:

Soccer or any team sport is NOT repeat-sprint sprint sport, but rather HIIA – High Intensity Intermittent Activity. RSS or repeat sprint sequence is a SEQUENCE that happens now and then during the course of a game. If you take a look at this poster by Martin Buchheit, you will get data that RSS actually doesn’t happen that often in a competitive game.

The research is still inconclusive (and that was actually said in the review articles on RSA you were referencing) about the role of glycolysis in the RSA (Repeated-Sprint Ability). Athletes with higher amount of glycolytic energy system activity actually had BETTER total times in RSA tests compared to the athletes whose glycolytic energy system decreased over the number of sprints. So, to improve RSA should we increase or decrease reliance on glycolytic system?

Although these two point might seem to conflict the notion of alactic-aerobic, they actually support it. First, intermittent sports are NOT repeat-sprint sequences. RSS happens couple of times during the game and it is questionable how much specific RST should be done to improve it (if the athlete is doing sprint, power, strength and intervals/aerobic training anyway). Thus, game specific endurance is not solely RSA as we portray it, thus although glycolytic energy system is important in RSA and RSS it doesn’t mean HIIT should be done day in and day out, because RSA is not that actually important. So, for team sports alactic-aerobic is still the key to game specific endurance.

Just my 2 cents…. Keep up the good work


Intermittent Fasting – Free Review by John Berardi. Great and free (self experimentation) review of the Intermittent Fasting approach to dieting. Glad to see John Berardi exploring the world of IF. My respect toward Berardi growth even more. Besides Lyle McDonald, I highly suggest checking John Berardi’s Precision Nutrition

Martin Buchheit and 30-15IFT. Last couple of weeks I was reading research papers by Martin Buchheit and everything that was available on English on his website. Martin’s ideas behind 30-15IFT (a test, way better than YoYo Intermittent Recovery by Bangsbo) and training individualization are very interesting and should be explored by every physical preparation coach out there. I plan interviewing Martin and writing more about the geniality of 30-15IFT very soon. Make sure to read the following papers:

To finish with some music, for all the Danza Kuduro fans out there, and for those who are sick of the song repeating the whole summer on the radio, here is the remix that I found way more better than the original song. Till the next time.